Thursday 19 November 2015

The Anglican Cathedral In Norwich.

Norwich Cathedral.

Illustration: PINTEREST

The history of Norwich Cathedral.
Available on YouTube at

Anglican Chant:
Psalm 124 (Nisi Quia Dominus).
Choir of Norwich Cathedral.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Norwich Cathedral is a Cathedral, located in Norwich, Norfolk, England. Dedicated to The Holy and Undivided Trinity. It is the Cathedral Church for The Church of England Diocese of Norwich and is one of the Norwich 12 Heritage Sites.

The Cathedral was begun in 1096 and constructed out of flint and mortar and faced with a cream-coloured Caen limestone. A Saxon settlement and two Churches were demolished to make room for the buildings. The Cathedral was completed in 1145, with the Norman Tower, still seen today, topped with a wooden Spire, covered with lead. Several episodes of damage necessitated rebuilding of The East End and Spire, but, since the final erection of the Stone Spire in 1480, there have been few fundamental alterations to the fabric.

"Abide With Me".
Sung by The Choir of Norwich Cathedral.
Available on YouTube at

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