Wednesday 9 December 2015

Ireland Overtakes China.

Rev. Fr. Willie Doyle (R.I.P.)
Father Willie Doyle, S.J., MC, or William Joseph Gabriel Doyle
(3 March 1873 – 16 August 1917), was an Irish Jesuit Priest
who was Killed-in-Action during The First World War.
(Wikimedia Commons

May Fr. Willie Doyle watch over his beloved Ireland
and Pray that it grows ever stronger in The Faith.
May he intercede to return Ireland to providing the World
with many Priests and Religious.
May the Irish nation return to its deep love for
The Immaculate Heart of Mary
and Devotion to The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
God Bless Ireland.

Until fairly recently, Ireland didn't even show up on the "Country Hit Register" for Zephyrinus' Blog. 

The previously-Number-One-Powerhouse-in-the-World, for generating Priests and Religious to Serve God, was conspicuous by its total absence in the Blog's "Country Hit Register".

On the contrary, even China, the World's new Super-Power, was climbing rapidly in the Register of Countries viewing this Blog.

Then . . .

Zephyrinus put up a Post on . . .

. . . The Church of The Sacred Heart, Limerick, Ireland, being saved from destruction by The Institute of Christ The King, Sovereign Priest. Plus, a Link was given to an Article, covering the same subject, on RORATE CAELI

The imminent loss of such a beautiful and much-loved Church in Limerick, Ireland, and the subsequent last-minute saving of such a totemic building, obviously aroused the Irish people's awareness of how low their Catholic Tradition had become in today's secular and liberal lifestyle.

Zephyrinus became aware of an immediate interest from Irish Readers of Articles appearing on this Blog. With Articles generally carrying a heavy affection and devotion to The Traditional Latin Mass (Usus Antiquior), it became obvious that there is a deep-rooted and much-loved devotion in Ireland for The Traditional Mass.

The only question was would the new interest from Irish Readers remain and grow ?

Now, Readers in Ireland will be delighted to know that, within the next two weeks, Ireland will overtake China in the "Country Hit Register" for this Blog.

Ireland is on the move !!!

Ireland awakes !!!

Let us Pray that Irish Seminaries will soon, again, pour forth devoted Priests and Religious.

If Fr Willie Doyle has anything to do with it, Zephyrinus is very hopeful.

Deo Gratias.

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