Tuesday 15 December 2015

Octave Day Of The Feast Of The Immaculate Conception. 15 December.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Octave Day of  The Feast of The Immaculate Conception.
15 December.


White Vestments.

The Immaculate Conception.
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640).
Date: 1628.
English: Work belonging to the Madrid Prado Museum photographed during the exhibition « Rubens et son Temps » (Rubens and His Times) at the Museum of Louvre-Lens.
Français: Œuvre appartenant au musée du Prado de Madrid photographiée lors de l’exposition temporaire « Rubens et son Temps » au musée duLouvre-Lens.
Deutsch: Arbeiten gehören in der " Rubens et son Temps " (Ausstellung Rubens und seine Zeit) im Museum von Louvre-Lens fotografiert.
Español: Trabaja perteneciente a fotografiado durante la exposición de " Rubens et son Temps " (Rubens y su época) en el Museo de Louvre-Lens.
Current location: Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain.
Source/Photographer: User:Jean-Pol GRANDMONT (2013).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The date of Mary's Nativity on 8 September caused her Conception to be Celebrated during Advent, the Season when The Church awaits "The Emmanuel, Whom a Virgin shall Conceive" (Communion of The Wednesday in Advent Ember Week).

Devotion to The Mother of God holds an important place in The Liturgy of Advent. One may say that the period comprising Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, constitutes the real Season, or Month, of Mary.

The Church does not yet possess Jesus, but she already has His Mother, "The Beginning of Christ", as Bossuet calls her. This period represents the first phase of the existence of The Saviour on Earth. The Divine Infant rests gently in Mary, a Living Tabernacle, which the pious sculptors of The Middle Ages wished to honour when they made a statue of The Virgin as a Tabernacle, where The Eucharist would be preserved.

During this Season of Advent, let us fix our eyes on The Virgin, who is to give us Christ.

Mass: As on The Feast of The Immaculate Conception.
Second Collect: Of The Feria.
Creed: On account of The Feast of The Immaculate Conception.
Preface: Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.



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