Monday 7 December 2015

"Papal Critics Threatened With Excommunication As Year of Mercy Begins", Says Life Site News.

This story appears at LIFE SITE NEWS

Archbishop Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization.

"Papal critics threatened with excommunication
as Year of Mercy begins", says Life Site News.

Update: Respected Canonist, Ed Peters, has responded to Archbishop Fisichella's remarks. Read about that here.

December 7, 2015 (Voice of the Family) – Archbishop Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization, has stirred controversy by suggesting that some criticisms of Pope Francis might result in automatic excommunication.

Archbishop Fisichella made his remarks at a Vatican press briefing while explaining how Pope Francis’s new “Missionaries of Mercy” will operate. The 800 “missionaries” will have the power to absolve from penalties previously reserved to the Holy See.

In reference to Canon 1370, which imposes automatic excommunication for “physical violence” against the Roman Pontiif, Archbishop Fisichella said:

I would say that we need to understand well ‘physical violence,’ because sometimes words, too, are rocks and stones, and therefore I believe some of these sins, too, are far more widespread than we might think.

Archbishop Fisichella’s comments will be interpreted by many as an attempt to silence faithful Catholics who are deeply concerned by the direction currently being taken by those who hold offices at the highest levels of the Church.

Read the full Article on this story at LIFE SITE NEWS

Zephyrinus says: It will be most interesting to get to the bottom of this story and find out if the alleged threats are, in fact, real.

Or, will there now be the usual "misunderstood" quotes, allied with "obfuscation", with a heavy dose of "I can't actually recall saying that", etc, etc.


  1. Monsignor Ronald Knox was right when he said,

    "‘he who travels in the barque of St Peter had better not look too closely into the engine room'."

  2. Thank You, Victimae Paschali Laudes for your welcome Comment.

    I wonder how long before there is an "Official Denial" from The Vatican saying something similar to: "There is NO intention to excommunicate anybody. Any inference, to that end, is a complete misunderstanding of what was intended".

    Much like the "misunderstanding" on the persecution of The Franciscan Friars and Sisters of The Immaculate.

    Much like the "misunderstanding" on the denial of comments referring to Africans in a pejorative way - until the journalist in question supplied a tape recording of the comments made.

    Meanwhile, we carry on saying The Rosary. We go to Benediction. We go to Mass. We go to Confession. We Pray for The Poor Souls in Purgatory. We Pray to The Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  3. Good point, my friend! Let's keep our spiritual practices so that we might save our souls.

  4. Indeed. If there are dark forces at work against The Church (IF there are), then The Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Beloved Son are more than a match for The Evil One.

    Meanwhile, we carry on saying The Rosary. We go to Benediction. We go to Mass. We go to Confession. We Pray for The Poor Souls in Purgatory. We Pray to The Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    "All will be well. All manner of things will be well."

    "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph."

    "And I will be with you, yea, even unto the end of the World."
