Wednesday 20 January 2016

How To Make Abortion Totally Unthinkable.

This Article can be read in full at TFP STUDENT ACTION
where you can also get your FREE Copy of "RETURN TO ORDER"

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This week is the 43rd anniversary of Roe v Wade . . . that's forty-three years of legalised Abortion in America !

Which got me thinking.

How do we fight back with the big picture in mind ? How do we cut the deep roots of the culture of death once and for all? And make Abortion totally unthinkable ?

Well, Abortion is unthinkable only within the context of a truly Christian family, when parents practice a lifetime of sacrifice, fidelity and love.

The unborn child is only secure in the sacred bond of an indissoluble marriage. And society helps by providing a protective framework for family, community and faith.

As individuals and as a nation, we must return to our Christian roots and morals, for only a complete spiritual regeneration and transformation will suffice to really make Abortion unthinkable.

Famous author and TFP vice-president John Horvat II shows the way in his book, Return to Order.

With over 75,000 copies in circulation, Return to Order explains the root cause and solution to America’s moral crisis and The Sexual Revolution.

Get your free copy today.

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Just use the free download app on the right side of the Amazon page to get a free copy of Return to Order.

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"I Got Life".
Nina Simone.
Available on YouTube at

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