Friday 1 January 2016

Month's Mind. A High Mass Of Requiem At Saint Anthony Of Padua Church, New Jersey. Saturday, 2 January 2016. 1100 hrs.

This Article can be found in full at NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT


A Month’s Mind Mass (delayed by Christmas), for the Repose of the Soul of
Emmanuel V. Leemans, will be offered, Saturday, 2 January 2016, 11:00 hrs, at
Saint Anthony of Padua Church, Jersey City (see Poster, above, or Contact Details, below, for more information). The combined Choirs of Cantantes in Cordibus and
The Renaissance Singers will sing the Morales Requiem.
An original setting of In Paradisum, by Emanuel Leemans, will conclude The Liturgy.

Saint Anthony of Padua,
Roman Catholic Church,
457, Monmouth Street,
Jersey City, NJ 07302.
Tel: 201-653-0343.
Photo: 23 May 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jim.henderson.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

A Month's Mind is a Requiem Mass Celebrated about one month after a person's death, in memory of the deceased.

In Mediaeval, and later, England, it was a Service and Feast held one month after the death of anyone, in his or her memory. Bede speaks of the day as "Commemorationis Dies". These "Minding Days" were of great antiquity, and were survivals of the Norse "Minne", or ceremonial drinking to the dead.

"Minnying Days," says Blount, "from the Saxon "Lemynde", days which our ancestors called their "Monthes Mind", their "Year's Mind" and the like, being the days whereon their Souls (after their deaths) were held in special remembrance, and some Office, or obsequies, said for them, as "Obits, Dirges." The phrase is still used in Lancashire, England.

It is still an almost universal practice in Ireland (for Roman Catholics) for the family of the deceased, and close friends, to attend Mass, and take a meal together, on the occasion of the "Month's Mind".

Elaborate instructions for the conduct of the Commemorative Service were often left in Wills. Thus, one Thomas Windsor (who died in 1479) orders that "on my Moneth's Minde there be a hundred children within the age of sixteen years, to say for my Soul," and Candles were to be burned before the Rood (Cross) in the Parish Church and twenty Priests were to be paid by his Executors to sing "Placebo, Dirige", and other Hymns.

In the correspondence of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, one, in 1536, is mentioned at which a hundred Priests took part in the Requiem Mass. Commemorative Sermons were usually Preached, the earliest printed example being one delivered by Saint John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, on Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, in 1509.

Saint Anthony of Padua,
Roman Catholic Church,
457, Monmouth Street,
Jersey City, NJ 07302.
Tel: 201-653-0343.

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