Tuesday 19 January 2016

Solemn High Mass. Friday, 29 January 2016. 1930 hrs. Saint Mary Moorfields, Moorgate, London.

Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN

Juventutem London

Solemn High Mass
for Marriage and Sanctity
of Human Life from
Conception to Natural Death.

Friday, 29 January 2016.
1930 hrs.
Saint Mary Moorfields,
Moorgate, London EC2M 7LS.

Tomas Luis de Victoria
Missa O Quam Gloriosum

Claudin de Sermisy
Benedic Anima Mea

Mathieu Gascongni
Caro Mea

All are welcome to attend this Mass.
Followed by a Social for Young People
aged 18-33.

The Web-Site for Juventutem London is

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