Thursday 28 January 2016

The Fifteenth Century.

The 15th-Century.

The entrance of Joan of Arc into Reims in 1429.
Artist: Jan Matejko.
Date: 1886.
Author: Jan Matejko (1838-1893).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

In the 15th-Century, Almighty God sent:

To France: Saint Joan of Arc (†1431).

To Spain: Saint Vincent Ferrer, of The Order of Saint Dominic (†1419. Feast Day 5 April); Saint John of San Facondo, of The Order of Saint Augustine (†1470. Feast Day 12 June); Saint Didacus, of The Order of Saint Francis (†1463. Feast Day 13 November).

John Hunyadi.
Regent-Governor of The Kingdom of Hungary.
John Hunyadi (Hungarian: Hunyadi János, Romanian: Ioan de Hunedoara; 1406 – 11 August 1456) was a leading Hungarian military and political figure in Central and South-Eastern Europe during the 15th-Century. According to most contemporary sources, he was the son of a noble family of Romanian ancestry.
He mastered his military skills on the Southern borderlands of The Kingdom of Hungary that were exposed to Ottoman attacks. Appointed Voivode of Transylvania and head of a number of Southern Counties, he assumed responsibility for the defence of the frontiers in 1441.
This Athleta Christi ("Christ's Champion"), as Pope Pius II referred to him, died some three weeks after his triumph at Nándorfehérvár/Belgrade, falling to an epidemic that had broken out in the Crusader camp. However, his victories over the Turks prevented them from invading The Kingdom of Hungary for more than 60 years.
Source: John Hunyadi, from w:Image:Iancu Hunedoara.jpg
(Wikimedia Commons)

To Italy: Saint Francis of Rome, Founder of a Branch of Oblates of Saint Benedict (†1440. Feast Day 9 March); Saint Antoninus, a Dominican, and Archbishop of Florence (†1459. Feast Day 10 May); Saint Bernardine of Siena, a Franciscan (†1444. Feast Day 20 May); Saint Laurence Justinian, first Patriarch of Venice (†1455. Feast Day 5 September.

To Poland: Saint John Cantius (†1473. Feast Day 20 October); Saint Casimir (†1483. Feast Day 4 March).

The taking of Constantinople by Mohammed II, in 1453, brought about The Fall of The Roman Eastern Empire, which had lasted since Emperor Constantine, and was a just punishment for its refusal to submit to The Church of Rome.

The 15th-Century.

But the Popes stirred up heroes to protect Europe against this invading flood. Saint John Capistran, an Italian Franciscan (†1456. Feast Day 28 March), preached a Crusade and, under the walls of Belgrade, Islam was victoriously hurled back by John Hunyady.

To Commemorate this capital event, Pope Callistus III extended The Feast of The Transfiguration (6 August) to The Universal Church.

About this time, Christopher Columbus discovered The New World, and Vasco da Gama The East Indies, discoveries which were to compensate The Church for the losses she was about to undergo in Europe in the 16th-Century.

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