Wednesday 24 February 2016

Apocalypse Now.

Part of The Great East Window,
York Minster,
York, England.
The photo above is made available
by © Gordon Plumb.

The following Text is taken from MEDIEVAL HISTORIES

York Apocalypse Panel Back In York Minster After Restoration

York Minster takes pride in one of the great artistic achievements of The Middle Ages – The Great East Window. The size of a tennis court, it contains 311 glass panels, which, for some years, have been under restoration by The York Glaziers Trust.

In October 2015, part of it was restored to its original setting after having been studied, conserved and covered with a protective glazing. The painstaking restoration has taken eight years and the completion signals the ending of the first phase of the project, sponsored by The Heritage Lottery Fund.

The window is the masterpiece of Coventry glazier John Thornton and was commissioned in 1405, taking three years to complete. Its cost to York Minster’s Chapter in 1405 prices was £56 (approx $80), according to information gleaned from 17th-Century Copies of The Mediaeval Contract.

The window is a work of immense ambition, depicting the beginning and end of all things, from The Creation of The World, as described in The Book of Genesis, to the events that will presage The End of The World, and The Second Coming of Christ.

Thus, the window includes a remarkable sequence depicting that most inspiring and controversial Biblical Text, The Revelation of Saint John  –  also known as The Apocalypse. The Four Horsemen, The Archangel Michael and The Dragon, The Whore of Babylon, The Coming of The New Jerusalem – all of the famous phantasmagorical images of Saint John’s vision are here in searing colour and detail.

As part of The York Minster Revealed project, The Apocalypse scenes from this extraordinary window are being studied, conserved and returned with revolutionary protective glazing, that will secure its future for many generations to come.

For further details see The York Glaziers Trust Web-Site.

More details about the work to restore and conserve The Great East Window are available HERE.

The Director of The York Glaziers Trust, Sarah Brown, published the result of the research in 2014.

Apocalypse window york Cover

By Sarah Brown.
Third Millennium Publishing, London, 2014.
These photos are a real joy,
since The York Minster restricts publication of photos 
of the panels on the Internet.
The photo above is made available by © Gordon Plumb.

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