Monday 8 February 2016

Pope Francis Blesses Mobile Confessional. He Probably Got The Idea After Reading The Recent Post On Zephyrinus (See, Below).

Pope Francis has Blessed "The Mercy Bus".
(Possibly after reading the Mobile Confessional Post on Zephyrinus (see, below)).
Photo: Salford Diocese.
Illustration: BBC

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, BBC

A Mobile "Confession Unit", on board a Double-Decker Bus, is to tour across Greater Manchester and Lancashire, England.

The "Mercy Bus" has been hired by The Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford to reach people who do not go to Church.

Starting at Salford Shopping Centre, it will visit shopping centres, prisons, homeless centres and housing estates, every Saturday, until Easter 2016.

The Bus received a Papal Blessing, recently, when one of its Priests, Fr Frankie Mulgrew, met the Pope in Rome.

Zephyrinus put up a Mobile Confessional Post, recently (see, below). No doubt, His Holiness Pope Francis (an avid Zephyrinus Reader) saw the Article and has developed the idea.

Thank You, Holy Father.

The Article (below) on Zephyrinus' Blog that, undoubtedly, The Holy Father was inspired by.

The Good Parish Priest will go out of his way to try and help . . .