Saturday 12 March 2016



Tomorrow marks the beginning of the ancient Season of Passiontide.

While The General Roman Calendar no longer mentions Passiontide explicitly, the proper Preface to The Eucharistic Prayer, the choice of Hymns in The Divine Office, and the practice of Veiling Crosses and images bear witness to it.

In The Ordinariate Calendar, the Title of Passion Sunday is restored to The Fifth Sunday of Lent, so we can un-apologetically begin our Commemoration of The Lord's Passion.


  1. The illustration above shows the beautiful altar at St Mary Magdalen's Church in Brighton. The purple coverings were already in place last night ready for Passion Sunday.

  2. Thank You, Pelerin, for this update on Rev. Fr. Ray Blake's beautiful Church in Brighton. Delighted these Purple coverings are already in place, ready for tomorrow's Passion Sunday.

    Tradition does have an inherent beauty and contributes greatly to The Divine Liturgy.
