Monday 25 April 2016

Neo-Natal Infanticide. The Truth Revealed At The European Parliament.

This Article can be read in full at EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR LAW AND JUSTICE

Neo-Natal Infanticide.
Available on YouTube at

Chapters of the video:
Introductory remarks, Grégor Puppinck.
2:'41 Facts on Neo-Natal Infanticide, Claire de La Hougue.
14:02 1st Testimony of a Physician.
17:59 2nd Testimony of a Midwife
21:28 3rd Testimony of a Midwife.
23:24 4th Testimony of a Physician.
31:20 Ethics and International Law, Grégor Puppinck.

The video is in French.
English Sub-Titles are available
on the Lower Left of the Screen.

For more information:

Neonatal Infanticide: The Truth Revealed
At The European Parliament.

On Wednesday, 13 April 2016, The European Centre For Law And Justice (ECLJ) was invited by the EPP Working Group on Bioethics and Human Dignity to expose the reality of Neo-Natal Infanticide in France and in Europe.

We are proud to present you today THE VIDEO OF THIS CONFERENCE, which includes four Testimonies of Physicians and Midwives, telling their shocking stories about Infanticide.

This video may have a significant impact on people by revealing Criminal Practices all over Europe.

We encourage you to share this video as broadly as possible to your family, friends and others.

The European Centre For Law And Justice will keep fighting to bring light on this Dark Reality, and we hope to make another video soon as we investigate further.

We call again upon Medical Staff, and families who witnessed these practices, to testify by answering this E-Mail or sending an E-Mail to:

May the courage of these people, that we thank again for their precious help, arouse the courage of others, so that we may denounce and put an end to these Evil Practices.

From Left to Right:
Miroslav Mikolášik, MEP,
(Co-President of The Inter-Group on Bioethics of The European Parliament (PPE, Slovakia)),
Claire de La Hougue,
Grégor Puppinck.

The European Centre For Law And Justice is an International, Non-Governmental Organisation dedicated to The Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Europe and World-Wide. The European Centre For Law And Justice holds Special Consultative Status before The United Nations/ECOSOC, since 2007.

The European Centre For Law And Justice engages legal, legislative, and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education, and litigation. The European Centre
For Law And Justice advocates, in particular, the protection of Religious Freedoms and the dignity
of the person with The European Court of Human Rights and the other mechanisms afforded by
The United Nations, The Council of Europe, The European Parliament, The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and others.

The European Centre For Law And Justice bases its Action on “The Spiritual and Moral Values which are the common heritage of European peoples and the true source of individual freedom, Political Liberty and The Rule of Law, principles which form the basis of all genuine democracy” (Preamble of The Statute of The Council of Europe).

Copyright © 2016 European Centre For Law And Justice, All Rights Reserved.

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