Thursday 21 April 2016

Seraphic Vestments.

Biretta Books, which is under the direction of The Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius, in Chicago, offers its own line of Sacred Vessels and Vestments, called Seraphic Vestments.

The beauty of the Sacred Vestments and Vessels of The Liturgy should lead us to contemplate The Sacred and reflect The Beauty of God in our lives.

Seraphic Vestments.
Available on YouTube at

The Sacred Vestments and Vessels of The Liturgy must possess a true sense of beauty, in light of The Divine Mystery of The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass. These Sacred Appointments must be created in the highest quality to be worthy of what they represent, because the Vessels (the Chalice, Paten, Ciborium, Pyx) hold The Body and Blood of Christ, and because the Vestments clothe the Priest, who represents Christ, The Eternal High Priest.

We, at Seraphic Vestments, believe that the Sacred Vessels and Vestments need to be the best and most worthy we can bring before God, because these communicate something of The Sacred Mysteries we are Celebrating. The resplendent beauty of these things help to create the atmosphere of Prayer and silently convey an invitation to Worship.

Seraphic Vestments are available through Biretta Books.

The Web-Site of The Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius can be found HERE

The Web-Site of Biretta Books can be found HERE

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