Monday 6 June 2016

The End Of A Chapter. Dachau’s Last Priest Prisoner Dies.

Father Hermann Scheipers, in 2011, photographed in Dresden on the occasion of the Beatification
of Alojs Andritzki, who was killed in Dachau in 1943. Father Scheipers and Blessed Alojs
were both in the Camp’s sick bay with typhoid fever for some time.
Illustration: IN CAELO ET IN TERRA

This Article can be read in full at IN CAELO ET IN TERRA

At the age of 102, Father Hermann Scheipers has passed away. He was the last surviving Priest of Dachau Concentration Camp.

As prisoner ‘number 24255’, Hermann Scheipers survived Hell in Dachau Concentration Camp. Nevertheless, the Priest and enemy of the Nazis survived, to die now at the age of 102.

Hermann Scheipers had a Mission. He had to tell young people of that time: How he, as a young Priest in 1940, was arrested by the Nazis and taken to Dachau Concentration Camp, how he survived the War and how he was once again oppressed, this time by the Communist dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic. How he survived that time, too, he continuously impressed upon his listeners. On Thursday night, 2 June 2016, Father Scheipers died in Ochtrup, Germany, aged 102. He was the last surviving German Clergyman to have been imprisoned in Dachau.

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