Saturday 23 July 2016

Charterhouse School Memorial Chapel.

The Memorial Chapel,
Charterhouse School,
Godalming, Surrey, England.
Photo: 20 September 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ainslie.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Charterhouse is an English Independent Boarding School in Godalming, Surrey. Founded by Thomas Sutton in 1611 on the site of the old Carthusian Monastery in Charterhouse Square, Smithfield, London, it educates over 800 Pupils, aged thirteen to eighteen years, and is one of the original seven English Public Schools, as defined by The Public Schools Act 1868 (which derived from The Clarendon Commission of 1864). Today, Pupils are still referred to as Carthusians, and Ex-Pupils as Old Carthusians.

Charging Full Boarders up to £36,000 per annum in 2015-2016, Charterhouse is predominantly a Boarding School and is amongst the most expensive Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference (HMC) Schools in The UK. It has educated one British Prime Minister and has a long list of notable alumni.

A Postcard, dated 15 August 1911, displaying the Arms of all The Major Public Schools in England.
From top to bottom (Left to Right): Tonbridge; Charterhouse; Winchester; Bedford; Haileybury;
Uppingham; Saint Pauls (Manchester) Grammar School; Merchant Taylor; Eton; Malvern;
King Edward VI (Birmingham); Repton; Clifton; Harrow; Saint Edwards; Shrewsbury;
Radley; Cheltenham; Malborough; Dulwich; Wellington; Rossall; Rugby.
Photo: 30 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
Author: Disclosure07.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Charterhouse School's Memorial Chapel, designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott and Consecrated in 1927, commemorates all those Carthusians who Died in Action: 700 in World War I and 350 in World War II. The whole School meets here three days each week for a short Service at 8:30 a.m., and on Sundays for Evensong, Matins, or a School Eucharist.

On Sundays, when there is an Evening Service, Catholic Pupils may instead attend Mass in The Founder's Chapel. Parents are welcome at Sunday Services, but tickets are required for Remembrance Sunday and The Carol Service.

Friday Morning Chapel is reserved for Congregational singing practice. Attendance at all Chapel Services is compulsory, except where individual exemptions are granted on Religious Grounds.

Charterhouse School Motto
"Deo Dante Dedi"
(God having given, I give).
This File: 31 March 2013.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Chapel provides a variety of Worship experience: Hymn-Singing; Psalm Chanting; the Choir performs a repertoire of Church Music; Candle-lit Carols; Eucharists in Millennium Chapel; Remembrance Sunday with The Sounding of The Last Post and The Silence.

Each year, there is a Confirmation Service in late-January and Pupils from any year group, except the Fourths (who hadn't been at the School when it was open to sign up), can be prepared for this.

The School retains The Old Chapel used by the School prior to 1927. However, when the School first moved to Godalming, Surrey, even this was not built, and the pupils walked the two miles to Shackleford Church, Surrey.

Pupils ever since have benefitted, because the time taken for the walk ruled out the continuance of Sunday School, which ran from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, which has remained a non-teaching day ever since.


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