Tuesday 26 July 2016

Nearly Nine Million Innocent Lives Have Been Lost Under The 1967 ABORTION Act.

Text in this Article, unless otherwise stated,, is taken from, and can be read in full at,

David Steel (formerly MP) claimed, at the time, that "nobody is advocating ABORTION on demand".
Nearly Nine Million Innocent Lives Have Been Lost Under The 1967 ABORTION Act.

50 Years Ago, Today (22 July 2016),
MPs Approved The Second Reading Of
The ABORTION Act 1967
On The Basis Of Lies.

Fifty years ago, today (22 July 2016), The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Bill [subsequently The ABORTION Act 1967] passed its Second Reading in The House of Commons with a massive vote of 223 votes For and 29 Against.

SPUC calculates that, so far, 8,624,567 Innocent Lives have been lost under The 1967 ABORTION Act.

It's instructive to consider The Pro-ABORTION Lobby's claims, in 1966, in The Second Reading Debate and during subsequent Debates on this tragic legislation:

" . . . it is not the intention of the promoters of The Bill to leave a wide open door for ABORTION on request." (David Steel, Hansard 5th Series, Vol 732, col 1075, 22 July, 1966);

"Nobody is advocating ABORTION on demand in this Committee or anywhere else . . ." (David Steel, Standing Committee F, 15 February 1967, col 250);

"It is certainly not a general licence to a medical practitioner to carry out an ABORTION on anybody who desires it." (Lord Silkin, Sponsor of The ABORTION Act 1967 in The House of Lords, Hansard,
19 July 1967, col 263).

What proved to be true was the following:

As early as 1972, a Report by The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) stated:
". . . there is no such danger of injury [to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman] in the vast majority of cases [of women seeking ABORTION], as the ‘indication’ is purely a social one." (RCOG Report on Unplanned pregnancy. London, England: RCOG; 1972);

And (Lord) David Steel, himself, formerly David Steel MP, has, over the decades, openly promoted ABORTION on demand: "If it's simply the decision of the mother, then the limit should be twelve weeks" (BBC, 4 July 2004);

He has also written: "Incidentally, I was misreported in one Sunday Paper as advocating a lower limit for "social" ABORTIONS. There should be no such distinction - proper medical care takes all social considerations into account . . . " (The Guardian 6 July 2004);

And, earlier this year, Lord Steel said, regarding The State of The Law in Northern Ireland, that it was "simply ridiculous" and "absolutely extraordinary" that ABORTION is not widely available there.

The following Text is from Zephyrinus, the Editor:

All of us, at some time in the future, will have to stand before Jesus Christ, Second Person of The Divine Trinity, and Give An Account of Our Lives to Him.

Without, of course, casting aspersions on Lord Steel, or anybody else, one wonders how Lord David Martin Scott Steel, Baron Steel of Aikwood, KT KBE PC, will answer The Son of God (see, above) when it comes to nearly Nine Million Innocent Lives Having Been Lost Due To ABORTION.

It would be most interesting to hear his reply:



Still Waiting.

Take your time.

No rush.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Any time, now.

No doubt.

Won't be long, now.

Here it comes.


Well, any minute, now.


Still waiting.

And, still waiting.

. . .

To Be Confirmed.

Meanwhile . . .

Nearly Nine Million Innocent Lives
Have Been Lost Under
The 1967 ABORTION Act.

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