Sunday 3 July 2016

Pope Saint Leo II. Confessor. Feast Day 3 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Leo II.
Pope and Confessor.
Feast Day 3 July.


White Vestments.


English: Portrait of Pope Saint Leo II.
[Papacy from 682 A.D. - 683 A.D.]
Español: imagen del papa leon II.
Source: Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura, Roma.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Saint Leo II, a Sicilian by birth, participated in the full Priesthood of Christ (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia) on becoming Pope. Guided by The Holy Ghost, he gave their full value to the Spiritual Riches of The Church committed to his care by Jesus (Gospel, Communion).

He approved The Acts of The Sixth Council, which condemned those who taught that Christ had only one Will. Well-versed in Sacred Singing, he perfected the melodies of The Psalms and of The Hymns of The Church.

He was truly The Father of The Poor and, by his example and Preaching, led everyone to Virtue. He died in 683 A.D., and was buried in the Basilica of Saint Peter, Rome.

Let us imitate the example of this Saint (Collect), who was one of the successors of Saint Peter on The Pontifical Throne.

Mass: Sacerdótes tui.
Commemoration of The Octave of The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.


The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Pope Saint Leo II was a Sicilian by birth (the son of a man named Paul). He may have ended up being among the many Sicilian Clergy in Rome due to the Islamic Caliphate attacks on Sicily in
the Mid-7th-Century. Though elected Pope a few days after the death of Pope Saint Agathon on
10 January 681 A.D., he was not Consecrated until 17 August 682 A.D. Pope Saint Leo II was known as an eloquent Preacher, who was interested in music and noted for his Charity to the Poor. His successor was Pope Benedict II.

St Andrew Daily Missal (Traditional Mass)

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