Thursday 11 August 2016

Can You Use Your Skills At The Guild Of Saint Clare's Vestment Mending Day ?

This Article is from LMS CHAIRMAN

Illustrations: LMS CHAIRMAN

The Oxford Branch of The Guild of Saint Clare held a Vestment Mending Session on Saturday, 6 August 2016; an example of the kind of work which they can do to support The Liturgy.

There were a number of Vestments from The Norbertine Priory, in Chelmsford, Essex, and an Altar Frontal from Saints Gregory and Augustine Church, in Oxford. The Vestments are not of especially high value. It would not be worth spending vast sums on professional restorers.

But they need careful attention by people with a variety of skills, and an understanding of how Vestments are used, if these very decent Vestments are to return to use.

For example, one Green Low Mass Set's lining was completely worn out, and was replaced. In another case, a high-quality, silk lining fabric was intact but worn out at the edge, so it has been edged with another, appropriate material, at minimal cost in materials.

The Ladies of The Guild were able to combine their experience and skills, on Saturday afternoon, to made a big inroad to the pile of worn out Vestments which Fr Stephen Morrison (OPraem) found in the Chelmsford Sacristy, as a taster of the kind of work for which The Guild was established.

The Guild charges for the cost of fabric and a small amount per hour, to subsidise Members' training.

The Guild is Affiliated to The Latin Mass Society.

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