Sunday 21 August 2016

Thank God. ABORTION Provider Marie Stopes Suspends ABORTION Services.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, BBC NEWS

One of England's main ABORTION providers has suspended terminations under general anaesthetic, and to under-18s, following inspections by healthcare inspectors.

The Care Quality Commission raised concerns about patient safety before Marie Stopes International suspended a number of services.

NHS England said the move would affect around 250 women a week.

Following the Care Quality Commission's inspections of Marie Stopes' services and its corporate headquarters in England, the regulator said it was concerned about poor governance arrangements, leading to what it called "specific immediate concerns" about consent and safeguarding.

It also said it was not satisfied about training and competence for terminations which take place under general anaesthetic or conscious sedation.

Marie Stopes has now decided to:

• suspend termination of pregnancy provision for under-18s and vulnerable groups of women;

• suspend terminations under general anaesthetic or conscious sedation;

• suspend all surgical terminations at its Norwich centre.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. See also Sadly the killing continues because "NHS England has activated contingency arrangements to ensure that all patients seeking the services that are currently suspended receive safe and high-quality care" (Care Quality Commission Press Release).
