Thursday 1 September 2016

Deo Gratias.

Rosie (Left) and Ruby Formosa
needed an emergency operation to separate them in 2012.
They start School, soon.
Illustration: BBC NEWS

Twins, conjoined at birth,
prepare to start School.

Twins, who were born conjoined, and given just a 20% chance of survival, are preparing to start School.

Rosie and Ruby Formosa were joined at the abdomen, and shared part of their intestine, before they had an emergency operation to separate them in 2012.

Their mother, Angela Formosa, said the four-year-olds, from Bexleyheath in South-East London, were "very excited" to be starting School.

"Four years ago it wasn't in my mind that this would ever happen," she said.

This Article can be read in full at BBC NEWS

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I heard about this on the news - a delightful story.
    Deo Gratias indeed.
