Monday 19 September 2016

Fr. Gabriele Amorth (R.I.P.), Exorcist For The Diocese Of Rome, Dies Aged 91.

September 16, 2016, Friday -- Adieu, Padre Amorth.

"I, afraid of that beast? It is he who should be afraid of me: I work in the name of The Lord of The World. He is just the monkey of God."

—Father Gabriele Amorth, the famous Italian Exorcist who was the Exorcist for The Diocese of Rome for the last 30 years, since 1986, referring to the devil. Father Amorth died today in Rome at the age of 91.

"Stefano Maria Paci: Father Amorth, Satanism is increasingly widespread. The new Exorcism Ritual makes it difficult to do Exorcisms. Exorcists are prevented from attending an Audience with The Pope in St. Peter's Square. Tell me honestly: what is happening?

Father Gabriele Amorth: The Smoke of Satan enters everywhere. Everywhere! Maybe we were excluded from The Papal Audience because they were afraid so many Exorcists would be able to chase out the legions of demons that have taken up residence in the Vatican.

Paci: You're kidding, right?

Amorth: It may seem a joke, but I think it is no joke. I have no doubt that the devil tempts especially the leaders of The Church, as he tempts all leaders . . .

Paci: Are you saying that here, as in any war, Satan wants to conquer the opposing generals?

Amorth: It is a winning strategy. One always tries to implement it. Especially when the defenses of one's opponents are weak. Satan also tries. But thankfully there is The Holy Spirit who governs The Church: 'The Gates of Hell shall not prevail.' Despite the defections. And despite the betrayals. Which should cause us no surprise. The first traitor was one of The Apostles closest to Jesus, Judas Iscariot. But, despite this, The Church continues on her way. She is held up by The Holy Spirit and therefore all the efforts of Satan can have only partial results. Of course, the devil can win some battles. Even important ones. But never the war."

—from a 2001 interview between Italian journalist Stefano Maria Paci and Father Gabriele Amorth, published in the June 2001 issue of 30 Giorni magazine

This Article is taken from "Letter #57, 2016: Adieu Padre Amorth",
the regular E-Mail supplied by Robert Moynihan,
and whose Print Magazine "Inside The Vatican"
can be read at INSIDE THE VATICAN

In the Article (above),
The Vatican's Exorcist, Fr Amorth (R.I.P.),
referred to "The Smoke of Satan".
There is a humorous novel, entitled
"Smoke in the Sanctuary",
which Readers may find illuminating.
It is available on

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