Sunday 11 September 2016

The Asperges.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Celebrant sprinkling the Congregation
with Holy Water before the principal Sunday Mass.

"Asperges Me".
Available on YouTube at

Immediately before the principal Sunday Mass, The Celebrant, wearing a Cope and accompanied by his Ministers, intones, at the foot of the Altar, the Asperges Me, or, Vidi Aquam (during Paschaltide).

He then sprinkles the Altar, the Clergy and Congregation, saying in a low voice the Psalm Miserére, or, Confitémini (during Paschaltide).

"Vidi Aquam"
(The Paschaltide Asperges).
Available on YouTube at

Holy Water is a Sacramental, the devout use of which is able to remit Venial Sins. When there is no Aspersion, let us at least Bless ourselves, upon entering the Church, with Holy Water from the Stoup.

Hyssop is a tufted plant which the Jews used for Aspersions.

Throughout The Year.


Aspérges me, Domine,
hyssopo, et mundábor:
lavábis me,
et super nivem dealbábor.

(Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, O Lord,
and I shall be cleansed;
Thou shalt wash me,
and I shall be whiter than snow).

Psalm 50.
Miserere Mei Deus.
Composed by Gregorio Allegri.
Available on YouTube at

Psalm xxxxx

Miserérere mei, Deus,
secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.
Gloria Patri . . .
Aspérges me . . .

(Have mercy on me, O God,
according to Thy great mercy.
Glory be to The Father . . .
Thou shalt sprinkle me . . .).

[The Versicle "Gloria Patri" is omitted in Passiontide.]

In Paschaltide.


Vidi aquam
egrediéntem de templo
a látere dextro,
et omnes ad quos pervénit
aqua ista
salvi facti sunt, et dicent:

(I saw water flowing from the Right side of the temple,
and all to whom that water came were saved,
and they shall say:

Psalm cxvii.

Confitémini Domino,
quoniam bonus:
quoniam in saéculum misericordia ejus.
Gloria Patri . . .
Vidi . . .

(Praise The Lord,
for He is good:
For His mercy endureth for ever.
Glory be to The Father . . .
I saw . . .).

Osténde nobis, Domine,
misericordiam tuam. [Alleluia.]
(Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy). [Alleluia.].

Et salutáre tuum da nobis. [Alleluia.]
(And grant us Thy salvation). [Alleluia.]

Domine, exáudi orationem meam
(O Lord, hear my Prayer).

Et clamor meus ad to véniat
(And let my cry come unto Thee).

Dominus vobiscum
(The Lord be with you).

Et cum spiritu tuo
(And with thy spirit).

(Every Church has its Guardian Angel).

Exáudi nos, Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aetérne Deus:
et mittere dignéris sanctum Angelum tuum de caelis,
qui custodiat foveat, protegat, visitet,
atque deféndat omnes habitántes in hoc habitáculo.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.


Hear us, O Holy Lord, Almighty Father, Eternal God:
And vouchsafe to send Thy Holy Angel from Heaven to guard,
cherish, protect, visit, and defend, all that dwell in this house.
Through Christ Our Lord.


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