Friday 30 September 2016

Zephyrinus Returns From A Long Week-End In The Big Apple.

Illustration: PINTEREST


  1. You would think it's fire go out ... what with the Atlantic and all!

  2. Very drole, John. Very drole.

    You noticed that I had omitted any reference to RMS "Queen Mary" (the original, of course). I boarded that marvellous Atlantic Liner in New York.

    Good to hear from you. Hope The Boat Show was of interest to you and Pat.

    1. We night-stopped at Southampton the night before the show, but then I couldn't face the crowds and hassle ... and we drove home the next morning; 5 hours each way.

      Pat is very understanding ... it can't be easy :) She refers to it as the 'Nearly Boat Show'.

    2. I'm the same, John. Cannot abide big crowds, noise, and hassle. I would have done exactly the same thing. When I got home, I would look up all the exhibits on the Internet. Much better. Pat is very understanding and, I respectfully suggest, a diamond. Regards.
