Wednesday 12 October 2016

Advance Notice: Vespers Of All Souls. Wednesday, 2 November 2016. 1730 hrs.

Fr Timothy Finigan Celebrates a Requiem Mass for Michael Davies
in Our Lady of The Assumption Church, Warwick Street, London,
in 2015. The Mass was Organised by THE LATIN MASS SOCIETY
Picture Credit: © DylanParry.
Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN

Text is from LMS 

It is worth noting as a rather unusual Liturgical event. Once upon a time, Vespers on Sundays and Great Feasts was quite normal.

In this case, it is The Commemoration of All The Faithful Departed - All Souls - and the Vespers is Vespers of The Dead.

We're going to Celebrate it with Polyphony. Come along to complete your Liturgical Commemoration of the Souls of those who have gone before us.

Fr Mark Elliot Smith will Officiate.

5:30 p.m. Wednesday 2 November 2016
(All Souls Day).

Our Lady of The Assumption,
Warwick Street, London W1B 5LZ.

Latin Vespers of The Dead.
With Polyphony (Viadana and Palestrina).

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"In Paradisum".
Gabriel Fauré.
Available on YouTube at

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