Sunday 16 October 2016

Beata Es Virgo (Blessed Is The Virgin). Composer: Diego Ortiz. 16th-Century Maestro Di Capella. The Chapel Royal Of Naples.

The Annunciation.
Date: 1712.
Current location: Saint Louis Art Museum,
Missouri, United States of America.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Portrait of Diego Ortiz
from the Title Page of his
"Trattado de Glosas" (1553).
This File 19 June 2009.
User: Capmo.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Diego Ortiz (1510 – 1570) was a Spanish composer and musicologist, in service to the Spanish Viceroy of Naples, and, later, to Philip II of Spain. Ortiz published influential treatises on both instrumental and vocal performance.

The following YouTube rendition, of Beata Es Virgo, is taken from Vespers,
for all Feasts of The Blessed Virgin Mary, in Naples in 1565.
The Versicle, "Deus in aduitorium",
is followed by 
the Antiphon, "
Ave Maria",
then Psalm 109, Dixit Dominus,
then the Motet, Beata Es Virgo.

"Beata Es Virgo",
by Diego Ortiz.
Sung by Cantar Lontano.
Director: Marco Mencoboni.
Available on YouTube at


  1. Wonderful sound. Goose pimple and moist eye time.

  2. Morning, John. You're up early.

    Pleased you like Diego Ortiz and I hope your Goose's pimple gets better.
