Monday 17 October 2016

Chauffeur Perkins Gets Carried Away Again With The New Purchase.

I must stop sending Perkins down to the Car Showrooms,
in order to get Zephyrinus a new Motor.
Yesterday, he came back with this !!!
1936 Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic Coupe, on display at The Mullin Museum.
Photo by Scott Dames, courtesy Arizona Concours d’Elegance.
Read the full Article on this wonderful Motor Car,
and its impending exhibiting at the
2017 Arizona Concours d’Elegance, at

Chauffeur Perkins drives Zephyrinus to Sunday's Missa Cantata in the local village.
As can be seen, the current Zephyrinus Charabanc needed replacing.
Perkins evidently got carried away with the new purchase (see photo, above).
Illustration: PINTEREST

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