Saturday 8 October 2016

The Church Under Attack !!!

The Roofless Shell of Saint George's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Southwark, London, England.
Fr Dixon stands in the ruins, whilst saying his Divine Morning Office. The aftermath
of Aerial Bombing during The Second World War.
Illustration: PINTEREST

For those Readers interested in statistics,
here are the latest updates on the readership of Zephyrinus's Blog.

United States 206,710

United Kingdom 66,740

Russia 35,459

France 29,092

Germany 21,223

Ukraine 15,477

Ireland 4,479

Canada 4,395

China 4,157

Poland 2,995

Illustration: PINTEREST

Regular Readers will note that Japan and Italy (God, forfend) have dropped out of the regular Reading Statistics.

Poland has re-instated herself in the Top Ten (Thank God), and Canada has overtaken China and is threatening to overtake Ireland !!!

Oh, Ireland. The Rock of The Church !!! What are you doing ???!!!

Prayers still requested for the Faithful Ukraine. Despite the terrors and tribulations that Nation is suffering, the Devotion to The Faith is profound, obvious, and sustaining.

Deo Gratias to all Readers of this Blog.

Illustration: PINTEREST

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