Thursday 15 December 2016

A New Proto-Priest As Blessed Pope Paul VI Has One Cardinal Left.

English: Coat-of-Arms of the Brazilian Cardinal, Paulo Evaristo Arns,
Archbishop Emeritus of São Paulo.
Motto: From Hope To Hope.
Graphic reference: [1], [2]
Español: Escudo de armas del cardenal brasileño Paulo Evaristo Arns,
Arzobispo Emérito de São Paulo.
Referencia gráfica: [3], [4]
Português: Brasão de armas do Cardeal brasileiro Paulo Evaristo Arns,
Arcebispo Emérito de São Paulo.
Referência gráfico: [5], [6]
Date: 7 March 2013.
Source: Own work.
This file is licensed under the
Attribution: I, SajoR
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cardinal Arns.
Photo Credit: AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills)
Illustration: DAILY MAIL

The following Text is taken from, and can be read in full at, IN CAELO ET IN TERRA

The death of Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, at the age of 95, leads to an interesting change in The College of Cardinals, albeit a Ceremonial one, with virtually no effect of the day-to-day affairs of that Body.

Cardinal Arns was created a Cardinal by Blessed Pope Paul VI in 1973. His death leaves only one surviving Cardinal, albeit a former Cardinal, created by that Pope. He is the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, created in the four-man Consistory of 1977 (the Blessed Pope’s last one).

Cardinal Arns was also the most senior of The Cardinal-Priests, one of three Classes of Cardinals. This gave him the Office of Proto-Priest, which entailed certain duties following The Election of a new Pope. The Proto-Priest pronounces the formal Prayer for the new Pope after The Proto-Deacon has bestowed The Pallium and before The Dean of The College of Cardinals presents The Ring of The Fisherman. That said, Cardinal Arns never exercised that duty, as he was not present at The Inauguration of Pope Francis, and Cardinal Danneels acted in his stead.

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