Wednesday 15 February 2017

Saint Faustinus And Saint Jovita. Martyrs. Feast Day 15 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Faustinus And Saint Jovita.
Feast Day 15 February.


Red Vestments.

English: Saint Faustinus and Saint Jovita with The Blessed Virgin Mary and Child.
Altarpiece artwork exhibited at the Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo, in Brescia, Italy.
Italiano: Vincenzo Foppa, Pala della Mercanzia.
Date: 3 November 2011.
Artist: Vincenzo Foppa (1427–1515).
Source/Photographer: Bruno Passamani,
"Guida della Pinacoteca Tosio-Martinengo di Brescia", Grafo, Brescia 1988.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Faustinus and Saint Jovita, both born at Brescia, Italy, were brothers and of noble origin. During The Persecution, "they stood in the assault of sufferings, disgrace, and tribulations" (Epistle) in several Towns of Italy.

"They were tortured to death" (Gospel) at Brescia, Italy, at the beginning of Emperor Hadrian's reign in 117 A.D.

"Following the example of The Holy Martyrs, Faustinus and Jovita, let us apply ourselves with ardour to Penance, so that we may enjoy The Fruits of The Redemption."

Mass: Salus autem.

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