Wednesday 1 February 2017

Saint John Cantius. A Unique Church In The Archdiocese Of Chicago — Helping Many Discover A Profound Sense Of The Sacred Through Solemn Liturgies And Devotions. Treasures Of Sacred Art. And Liturgical Music.

Traditional Latin Mass.
The Religious Art of The Missa Cantata
at Saint John Cantius Church,
Chicago, Illinois.
Available on YouTube at

"Saint John Cantius: Restoring The Sacred".
Available on YouTube at

Saint John Cantius Church,
Chicago, Illinois,
United States of America.
Photo: Eric Allix Rogers.

Saint John Cantius Church,
Chicago, Illinois,
United States of America.
Photo: Eric Allix Rogers.

A Sacristan's Manual
For The Extraordinary Form Mass.
The most popular Pre-Vatican II Sacristy Manual.
Nothing could be clearer and simpler than the scheme
of this 1932 book, which has been newly typeset by Biretta Books, Ltd.

Candles In The Roman Rite.
Rev. Edwin Ryan, D.D.
3rd edition; 1937
(Reprinted 2009)

The Saint John Cantius Parish Web-Site is at

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