Thursday 9 March 2017

Cantate Domino Canticum Novum.

Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN

The following Text is from, and can be read in full at, LMS CHAIRMAN

A Statement On The Current Situation Of Sacred Music.

In honour of the 50th Anniversary of the Instruction Musicam Sacram (promulgated 5 March 1967), a Declaration on Sacred Music, Cantate Domino, signed by over 200 musicians, Pastors, and scholars from around the World, is published today in six languages (English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German). This Declaration argues for the continued relevance and importance of Traditional Sacred Music, critiques the numerous serious deviations from it that have plagued The Catholic Church for the past half-Century, and makes practical suggestions for improving the situation.

Readers are encouraged to read the Text (reproduced at LMS CHAIRMAN in full) and to disseminate it far and wide as a rallying-point for Roman Catholics who love their great heritage, and for all men and women who value High Culture and The Fine Arts as expressions of the spiritual nobility of the human person made in God's image

We, the undersigned — musicians, Pastors, teachers, scholars, and lovers of Sacred Music — humbly offer this statement to The Catholic Community around the World, expressing our great love for The Church’s Treasury of Sacred Music and our deep concerns about its current plight.

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