Saturday 1 April 2017

A New Monastery In Ireland. Deo Gratias.


Dear Friends,

This is just a note to let you know that the latest issue of our Newsletter, In Coenaculo, is now available for viewing in your browser or PDF download CLICK HERE
In the next couple of weeks there will be another shorter "special issue" of the Newsletter, covering the news of our formal erection by the Bishop of Meath, with the approbation of The Holy See, as a fully-fledged Monastery of Diocesan Right.

And finally, see, above, a truly wonderful five-minute piece which ran on RTE (the national broadcaster in Ireland) on our Monastery.

We are so grateful to Almighty God for all His Blessings already poured out upon us in the first months of the year, and ask your Prayers that He might continue in His Grace and Favour.

And, finally, please consider giving a gift, whether big or small, to support our work. We are growing and will soon be unable to house the numbers of men who have asked to enter. We are confident in God's care for us, under the special protection of The Holy Family.

God Bless you and keep you.

— Dom Benedict Maria Andersen, Sub-Prior.

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