Tuesday 25 April 2017

For The First Time In Nearly Fifty Years, Only The Traditional Latin Mass Is To Be Offered In An Irish Diocese On Tuesdays.

Sacred Heart Church, Limerick, Ireland.
Available on YouTube at

The following Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, RORATE CÆLI

The pathetic tale of The Catholic Church in Ireland continues to unfold. The latest chapter is that, because of a Priest shortage, there will be "no Masses" said on Tuesday in the entire Diocese of Limerick -- something that hasn't happened in almost two Centuries.

The Diocese and the Media tell us there will only be "Lay-led Liturgies of The Word" (God be praised, this Catholic has no idea what that even is, and will die happy never knowing).

Normally, we wouldn't really care that all the Novus Ordos dried up in a Diocese. Why would we ? We Pray they all die on the vine around the World. But we did find this a good time to correct the Diocese of Limerick and the Media.

The glory of Eucharistic Adoration in Sacred Heart Church, Limerick, Ireland.

There will indeed be Masses said there on Tuesdays. Two of them, in fact, by The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest CLICK HERE FOR MASS TIMES AND LOCATIONS

You can read the full -- yet incomplete -- story, for the record HERE, BY THE IRISH TIMES.

So, history truly is being made on Tuesdays in Limerick. This will be the first time in nearly fifty years, the first time since Pope Paul VI invented and imposed his committee-made new Mass, on The First Sunday of Advent, 1969, that the only Mass a Catholic can attend in an entire Irish Diocese will be The Traditional Latin Mass.

Deo gratias, alleluia, alleluia.

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