Monday 15 May 2017

Sacred Heart Novena Of Latin Masses.

Enrolment includes a Novena Mass Card.*

A Novena of Traditional Latin Masses, according to
The Extraordinary Form of The Roman Rite (1962 Roman Missal), will be offered in honour of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus for all families and persons (living and deceased) Enrolled in The Novena.

The Nine Tridentine Masses will be offered at
The Priory of Our Lady of Ephesus
and will begin on 23 June, 
Solemnity of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The suggested donation for Enrolment
in The Novena is $15, 
which includes an 
Enrolment Mass Card that will be sent
for the person(s) or intention(s) Enrolled.

To Enrole Online, with Credit Card,

To print a Form,
and submit an Enrolment through The Mail, 

* N.B. If you make an Enrolment after 16 June,
the Novena Mass Card may not arrive before 23 June.

The Web-Site of
is HERE.

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