Monday 29 May 2017

Saint Mary Magdalen Dei Pazzi. Virgin. Feast Day, Today, 29 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi.
   Feast Day 29 May.


White Vestments.

Saint Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi.
Date: 1878.
Source: Scanned by uploader from page 296 of

"Little Pictorial Lives Of The Saints", (Benzinger Brothers).
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Born at Florence, Italy, in 1566, of the illustrious Pazzi family, Saint Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi, at the age of ten, Consecrated her Virginity to Christ, Whom she chose as her Spouse (Epistle, Gospel, Communion). Wherefore, God loved her with a love of preference (Introit), and made her one of the Virgins who form His Court of Honour (Offertory).

She took The Carmelite Habit in 1584 and subjected herself to frightful mortifications. The Holy Ghost, Who, from Heaven, sent Jesus Risen Again to her, inflamed her with such love that she had to pour fresh water on her burning breast.

She would bitterly deplore that the infidels and sinners were in the way to perdition and offered to endure any torments for their salvation.

Her motto was: "Suffer and not die." She died in 1607 and her body, which she mortified in every way, has remained incorrupt to our day.

Mass: Dilexisti.

Vision of Saint Maria Magdalen dei Pazzi.
Artist: Pedro de Moya (1610–1674).
Date: Early-17th-Century.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art:
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi, O.Carm. (Italian: Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi), 2 April 1566 – 25 May 1607, was an Italian Carmelite Nun and Mystic. She has been declared a Saint by The Roman Catholic Church.

In 1580, at age fourteen, Pazzi was sent by her father to be educated at a Monastery of Nuns of The Order of Malta, but she was soon recalled to wed a young nobleman. She advised her father of her vow, and he eventually relented and allowed her to enter Monastic Life. She chose The Carmelite Monastery of Saint Mary of The Angels, in Florence, Italy, because The Rule there allowed her to receive Holy Communion daily. In 1583, she was accepted as a Novice by that Community, and given the Religious Name of Sister Mary Magdalen.

Numerous Miracles allegedly followed Pazzi's death, and the process for her Beatification was begun in 1610 under Pope Paul V, and completed under Pope Urban VIII in 1626. She was not, however, Canonised until sixty-two years after her death, when Pope Clement X raised her to The Altars on 28 April 1669. The Church of The Monastery of Pažaislis, commissioned in 1662 in Lithuania, was one of the first to be Consecrated in her honour.

The Saint is little known outside Italy, but her cult is very strong, especially in Florence. Paulist Press issued a selection of her writings in English translation in their series of Classics of Western Spirituality.

The following Text is from "The Liturgical Year", by Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
Volume 9.
Paschal Time.
Book III.


The Kingship over men is not the only diadem given to Our Emmanuel at His Ascension. The Apostle [Editor: Saint Paul] expressly tells that He is, moreover, "The Head of all Principality and Power." Noble, indeed, is man; but nobler far are the glorious Choirs of The Angelic Hierarchy.

We have already seen that in the great trial, whereby God tested the love of His Angels, many rebelled, and were cast into Hell; the rest, who were faithful, entered at once into the possession of their sovereign good, and began round The Throne of God, their ceaseless Hymns of Adoration, Love, and Thanksgiving.

But a portion of their happiness was reserved till the fulfilment of one of God's Decrees. Laden as they are with the most magnificent gifts, they await another; it is to be the completion of their joy and glory. God revealed to them, at the first instant of their coming into existence, that He intended to create other beings, of a nature inferior to their own; and that, of these beings, who were to be composed of body and Soul, there should be one, whom The Eternal Word would unite to Himself in unity of Person.

It was also revealed to them, that this human Nature, (for whose glory and for God's, all things were made), was to be The First-Born of every creature; that all Angels and men would have to bend the knee before Him; that, after suffering countless humiliations on Earth, He would be exalted in Heaven; and, finally, that the time would be, when The Whole Hierarchy of Heaven, The Principalities and Powers, yea, even The Cherubim and Seraphim, would have Him placed over them as their King.

The following Text is from "The Liturgical Year", by Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
Volume 8.
Paschal Time.
Book II.


Our Paschal Calendar gives us three illustrious Virgins of beautiful Italy. We have already kept The Feast of the valiant Saint Catharine of Siena; in a few days, we shall be honouring the memory of Saint Angela dei Merici, surrounded by her school-children; today, it is The Fair Lily of Florence, Saint Magdalen de Pazzi, who embalms the whole Church with the fragrance of her name and intercession.

She devoted herself to the loving imitation of Our Crucified Jesus; was it not just, that she should have some share in the joy of His Resurrection ?

Magdalen de Pazzi was one of the brightest ornaments of The Order of Carmel, by her Angelic Purity, and by the ardour of her love for God. Like Saint Philip Neri, she was one of the grandest manifestations of The Divine Charity that is found in The True Church.

Saint Magdalen, in her peaceful Cloister, and Saint Philip, in his active labours for the salvation of Souls, both made it their ambition to satisfy that desire, expressed by Our Jesus, when He said: " I am come to cast fire on the Earth; and what will I, but that it be kindled ? "

The life of this Spouse of Christ was one continued Miracle. Her Ecstasies and Raptures were almost of daily occurrence. The lights given to her regarding the Mysteries were extraordinary; and, in order to prepare her for those sublime communications, God would have her go through the severest trials of The Spiritual Life.

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