Friday 9 June 2017

Celebrating The 10th Anniversary Of Summorum Pontificum: See The Full Programme Of Summorum Pontificum Rome Pilgrimage, September 2017.

Text and Illustration: RORATE CAELI

14 September 2017 - 17 September 2017.

Thursday, 14 September 2017.

09:00 - 18:00. Fifth Annual Colloquium on Summorum Pontificum: “A Renewed Youthfulness for The Whole Church” (see detailed programme below), Angelicum University.

18:30. Vespers for The Exaltation of The Holy Cross. Celebrated by His Excellency, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Basilica di San Marco Evangelista al Campidoglio (Piazza Venezia).

Friday, 15 September 2017.

Free morning for Personal Devotions and Private Visits.

16:00. Way of The Cross (Colosseum area) led by The Institute of The Good Shepherd.

19:00. Solemn Mass. Celebrated by Rev. Mons. Gilles Wach, Superior General of The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest, Basilica di Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.

Saturday, 16 September 2017.

09:00. Eucharistic Adoration, Chiesa di Santa Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova).

09:45. Solemn Procession through the streets of Rome,
led by His Excellency, Archbishop Guido Pozzo.

11:00. Pontifical Mass. Celebrated by His Eminence, Carlo Cardinal Caffara, Saint Peter’s Basilica, with Choir directed by Maestro Aurelio Porfiri.

13:30. Buffet Lunch for Clergy, sponsored by Paix Liturgique and The FIUV (registration required).

Free afternoon for Personal Devotions and Private Visits.

Sunday, 17 September 2017.

11:00. Solemn Mass according to The Dominican Rite. Celebrated by Fr. Dominique Marie de Saint-Laumer, Prior of The Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer, Chiesa di Santissima TrinitĂ  dei Pellegrini.

Please do note that detailed information
(registration, accommodation, etc.) can be found
from the programme page on our official Web-Site: 

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