Sunday 11 June 2017

Mass For The First Sunday After Pentecost.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Mass For The First Sunday After Pentecost.


Green Vestments.

Illustration: PINTEREST

Formerly, this Sunday was a Vacant Sunday because the Liturgy, of the Ordinations on The Ember Saturday of Pentecost, went on through the night and served as The Mass for Sunday. The Epistle reminds us that The Love of God, which is The Holy Ghost, was given to us on Pentecost. God has loved us, sending us His Son, when we were His enemies through sin, and His love is in us if, like Him, we love those who hate us.

The Gospel tells us that we must be merciful, as Our Father also has been merciful, Who has pardoned us and given us His Son and The Holy Ghost.

Standing at the gate of this great and powerful Father of His household, Who is God Himself, we groan in our supplications," says Saint Augustine, "and wish to receive  a gift, and this gift is God Himself" (Matins).

"O, Lord," says the Introit, "I have hoped in Thy mercy," and the Alleluia adds: "Give ear, O, Lord, to my words." "Hearken to the voice of my Prayer," continues the Offertory and the Gradual concludes: "I said, O. Lord . . . heal my Soul, for I have sinned against Thee. Blessed is He that understandeth concerning the Needy and the Poor; The Lord will deliver Him in the evil day."

The truth is, if we would receive God, we must be prepared to give. "A beggar asks alms of you," says Saint Augustine, "and you are yourself a beggar from God. For we are all beggars from God when we Pray. What does the beggar ask ? Bread. And you ? What do you ask of God, if not Christ, Who said: "I am The Bread of Life" (Matins). If God loves us enough to give us His Son, and, through Him, His Holy Spirit, Who is the gift of The Most High", we also ought to love one another unsparingly.

Since The Mass for The First Sunday After Pentecost has been displaced everywhere by that of The Most Holy Trinity, it is only said, without Gloria or Creed, on the free Week-days preceding Corpus Christi. On those days, we can take it together with The Breviary Lessons. In The Office of The Monday of The First Week After The Octave of Pentecost, The Reading of The First Book of Kings is begun with the history of Anna, the wife of Elcana.

Stricken with childlessness, she sought out Heli, The High Priest, and made a Vow to Jehovah, in The Temple, promising that, if, regarding the affliction of His servant, He did not forget her, but gave her a son, she would Consecrate him to The Lord, forever. God, "Who is love" (Epistle), and Who has said "give and you shall receive" (Gospel), looked on Anna's gift and gave her a son, whom she called Samuel, because she had asked Him of The Lord.

And Anna, full of joy and gratitude (Introit, Communion) offered her son in The Temple to serve The Lord, forever.

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Domine, in tua.
Preface: Of The Holy Trinity.
Common Preface: During the Week.

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