Monday 17 July 2017

Some Good News: His Hermeneuticalness Is Back In The Saddle Again.

Text and Illustrations: FR. Z's BLOG

Sometimes I post “good news” Posts. We all need good news for a change, right ?

One piece of good news gets special notice today.

My good friend Fr. Tim Finigan, PP of Margate, is Posting more often again at his exceptional Blog: The Hermeneutic of Continuity.

Editor: Fr. Finigan's Blog can be found at THE HERMENEUTIC OF CONTINUITY

Thus, His Hermeneuticalness is back in the saddle again after a bit of a hiatus.

His Posts lately have been great. Today he Posted one on how to get something out of even a less than good Sunday Mass Sermon.

Each week I post asking you to Comment on a good point from the Sermon you heard at your Sunday Mass of Obligation. Fr. Finigan gives helpful pointers on listening to Sermons. A taste… HERE
You may well be right: priests are not always great communicators, [Only Christ is the Perfect Communicator. Cf. Communio et progressio 11] but did you know that a sermon is a sacramental? That is to say that a sermon signifies spiritual effects which may be obtained through the intercession of the Church. By sacramentals, we are disposed to receive the grace of the sacraments. 
It might be one sentence or phrase, it could be a commonplace truth of doctrine, morals or devotional teaching that we really need to hear again and act upon. It might even be a passing thought that seems a distraction from what the priest is saying. One way or another, if we are ready to receive the grace of God, He will give it, often in ways that might surprise us. 

A Sermon is a Sacramental.

So, Fr. Finigan will help you listen to the Sermon better. But he has also just helped a lot of Priests out there better to prepare their Sermons.

FATHERS ! Sermons are Sacramentals. Do you want to treat them the same way now ?

Thanks, Fr. Finigan.

BTW… if there were EVER a time when we need a hermeneutic of continuity… it’s NOW.

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