Monday 7 August 2017

How Absolutely Glorious !!! The Complete Antidote To "Kum-Ba-Yah" !!!


This Article, dated 1 August 2017, is taken from LMS CHAIRMAN

The Saint Catherine's Trust Summer School took place last week: It runs from Sunday to Sunday. Numbers have gone up every year for several years, and we welcomed thirty-nine children this year. There was a full minibus load from London, and nine travelled by train from Scotland.

The Summer School exposes children to a week of Traditional Liturgy, which they would only otherwise experience by visiting a Monastery. We have a Sung, usually High, Mass every day, and Sung Compline each evening, 

Benediction is twice in the Week; each day begins with The Rosary. 

We always have Stations of The Cross on Friday.

The following Text is from

2017 Summer School.
For Boys and Girls aged 11-18.
Sunday, 23 July 2017 to Sunday 30 July 2017.

This will be held once again at
The Franciscan Retreat Centre, Pantasaph,
North Wales, and will start with a Sung Mass
at 5 p.m., on Sunday, 23 July 2017,
finishing, after Divine Mass, and Lunch,
on Sunday 30 July 2017.

There is NO FEE.

Parents are invited to make a Donation
according to their means, and it is our
intention that nobody should be discouraged
from attending on grounds of cost.

To book for next Years' Summer School,
contact The Web-Site For
The Saint Catherine's Trust For
Traditional Catholic Education.
Traditio Et Veritas.


  1. My children used to sing "Come by car, Lord" followed by "Come by bus" and "Come by train". However they drew the line at "Come by bike" as the felt it to be lacking in respect.

  2. Thank you, Frederick Jones, for your most welcome Comment.

    Your children are, indeed, adept at discerning (without being told otherwise) that some things in the "New Mass" are, shall we say, lacking in respect to God Almighty.

    Modernism has many, many, failings. This is just one.

    "Suffer Little Children to come unto Me". And may God Bless them.
