Saturday 23 September 2017

The Ballad Of Summorum Pontificum. "It Was The 7th July 2007: The Most Beautiful Day This Side Of Heaven . . ."

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
Illustration: VATICAN

The video was made by "The Bones", whose Blog can be found at

The Ballad of Summorum Pontificum.
Composed and Sung by "The Bones".
Available on YouTube at

The Ballad of Summorum Pontificum

It was the 7th July 2007
"The most beautiful day
This side of Heaven"
A treasure was released

The Mass of all Ages
The Missal was closed
Now a Priest turns the pages

So we kneel down and Pray the Confiteor
Now he's facing the right way, towards The Lord
Ad Deum quit laetificat juvemtutem meum

He turns around and the people say give us some more !
For over 50 years
A Mass that lay hidden
Came out of the closet
No moth there had bitten

No dust was upon it
For this Mass is timeless
You can tell when you walk through the door !
You can hear the Bells ring out thrice at The Sanctus

He turns around and he says "Oratre Fratres"
Priest and people pray Domine non sum dignus
And the people say give us some more

Some more
Summorum Pontificum !
Gimme some more, some more
Gimme some more
Some more
Summorum Pontificum !

Gimme some more, some more, give us some more !
Ecce Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi
Now we can hear the words ring out
Every Sunday

The Latin Mass is back
Put your guitars on the floor
We have Communion kneeling and on the tongue

All Ages they pass
All Ages they vary
The Mass of Ages belongs
In our Seminaries

Our Bishops they don't want it
Oh, if only they could
Say " God bless our Pope
The great and the good ! "

Some more
Summorum Pontificum !
Gimme some more, some more
Gimme some more
Some more
Summorum Pontificum !

Gimme some more, some more
Gimme some more !
The Mass that brings sinners
To The Fountain of Grace
The Mass that made Martyrs
Embrace their pains

The Mass that brought hope
To the poor and abandoned
Finding in Jesus (bow head)
The perfect companion

But that Mass is back (back)
To liberal dismay
That Mass is back (back)
To liberal dismay

That Mass is back (back)
To liberal dismay
That Mass is back (back)
You might find one today !

Some more
Summorum Pontificum !
Gimme some more, some more
Gimme some more
Some more
Summorum Pontificum !

Gimme some more, some more
Gimme some more !
(Repeat x 2)

It was the 7th July 2007
"The most beautiful day
This side of Heaven"

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