Tuesday 24 October 2017

Cardinal Burke: Be Agents Of Mary’s Immaculate Heart, To Combat ‘Diabolical Forces’.

Cardinal Raymond Burke.
Photo Credit: Diane Montagna / LifeSiteNews.

BUCKFAST ABBEY, England (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Raymond Burke has summoned The Faithful to become “agents” of The Triumph of The Immaculate Heart of Mary in order to combat the “Diabolical Forces” that have been “unleashed upon the World” and are “entering into the very life of The Church.”

The Cardinal was speaking at The 2017 Fatima Centennial Summit, held at Buckfast Abbey, Devon, England, on 12 -13 October 2017, exactly one Century after The Miracle of The Sun, at Fatima, Portugal.

Cardinal Burke said these Diabolical Forces are working to draw Souls away from The Faith into a widespread Apostasy. Such Forces have entered even into the ranks of The Priesthood, he said, leading some Pastors to offer “Poisonous Fruits” to “the very Souls for whom they have been Consecrated to care for Spiritually.”

“How easily, today, the unthinking Member of The Faithful can be deceived and beguiled by appearances, attractive gestures, and flashy slogans, under which the substance is poison for his Soul,” the Cardinal said.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, LIFE SITE NEWS

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