Friday 13 October 2017

The Miracle Of The Sun Occurred 100 Years Ago, Today, At Fátima. Our Lady Appeared To Three Shepherd Children: Lúcia Santos; Jacinta Marto; Francisco Marto.


"Mary" superimposed on its Hebrew source מרים (Miryam/Miriam).
Date: 14 July 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jayarathina.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Miracle Of The Sun,
Fatima, Portugal, 
13 October 1917.
Available on YouTube at


The Account Given By Sister Lucy Of The Events At Fatima on 13 October 2017

the three children 
to whom The Virgin Mary appeared at Fátima, Portugal, 13 October 1917.
in Ilustração Portuguesa no. 610, 29 October 1917
Author: Attributed to Joshua Benoliel (1873–1932).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Our Lady of Fátima (Portuguese: Nossa Senhora de Fátima), formally known as Our Lady of The Holy Rosary of Fátima, is a Catholic Title of The Blessed Virgin Mary based on the famed Marian Apparitions reported in 1917 by three shepherd children at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal. The three children were Lúcia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto.

Bishop José da Silva declared the Miracle worthy of belief on 13 October 1930, officially permitting Devotion within The Catholic Church. The event is Commemorated each year on that same date.

On 13 May 1946, Pope Pius XII granted a Canonical Coronation to the venerated image, enshrined at The Chapel of The Apparitions of Fátima, via his Apostolic Legate, Cardinal Benedetto Aloisi Masella. On 11 November 1954, the same Pontiff later raised The Sanctuary of Fátima to the status of Minor Basilica by his Papal Brief "Lucer Superna".

The published Memoirs of Lúcia Santos, in the 1930s, revealed two Secrets that she claimed came from The Virgin, while the third Secret was to be revealed by The Catholic Church in 1960.

The controversial events at Fátima gained fame due partly to elements of the Secrets, Prophecy and Eschatological Revelations allegedly related to The Second World War and possibly more global Wars in the future, particularly The Virgin's request for The Consecration of Russia to The Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried during a candlelit Procession at
The Holy Shrine of Fatima, Portugal, in 2011. (Francisco Leong/AFP/Getty Images)


  1. Thank You, DeHereticoComburendo, for your welcome Comment.

    But, hey, wait a minute.

    ZEPPO ??? !!!

    ZEPPO !!!

  2. It was intended with respect, sir. Might "The Zeppmeister" be preferred? You need something snappy and trendy if you're going to cut a dash in the blogosphere of Fr James Martin and "Beans" Flageolet. BTW, I see that poor old Pope Zee had to deal with the heresy of Theodotus the Tanner and also Theodotus the Money-changer. I dunno, you wait for centuries for a Theodotus to come along and then two arrive together...

    While I'm "on", let me thank you for flagging up a Mass in Dorchester which I attended on your recommendation, and also the choir singing Toto's "Africa" which youtube now suggests to me is one of my faves, which it is. Regards.

  3. Most grateful, again, DeHereticoComburendo, for your welcome Comment. Please be assured I was joking. I did not take umbrage at all. Some previous Commenters have used the epithet "ZEPHY" and I have responded in like manner. It's a little game that one plays. Nothing more. Please continue to use any epithet you feel is warranted.

    Mind you, "The Zeppmeister" does have a certain Teutonic ring about it. Quite like that one. Yes, Pope Zee had to deal with a lot during his time. Is the plural of Theodotus "Theodotii" ?

    Delighted you visited Dorchester. It's a gem, is it not ? Also delighted that Toto's "Africa" met with your approval. Memorable, it is.

    Meanwhile, in Domino . . .

  4. Thanks for your reply. I realise now where I got "Zeppo" from, it was Eccles' blog...

    I'm shortly moving a little nearer Dorchester, so the Saturday Mass might be on my radar though there's one at Stow also. I've had an on-off relationship with the Tridentine in the past - I'm no liturgical expert! - but in the current climate the old rite is beginning to look like a no-brainer.

  5. That Eccles !!! He's a Scream, isn't he ?

    I wish you much Liturgical happiness at both Dorchester and Stow. I am sure you will grow deeper and deeper in The Faith at such Churches.

    One doesn't have to be a Liturgical expert to follow one's heart. As Fr. Faber said of The Traditional Latin Mass: "The Most Beautiful Thing This Side Of Heaven". And, it's true.

    May I, respectfully, suggest you read a wonderful Post on the excellent Blog "VULTUS CHRISTI", dated 11 October 2011, entitled "For The Tenth Anniversary Of Summorum Pontificum" ? The words contained therein will prove to be very pertinent to you.

    The Blog is at

    For example: "Already, well before 7 July 2007, I had come to see that even the noblest efforts deployed in the cause of the reform of the reform bore only scant fruit. Just when, battle–worn and weary, I thought that I would have to spend the rest of my life in a kind of Post–Conciliar Liturgical lock–down, a door opened before me.

    The door was Summorum Pontificum. I crossed the threshold and went forward, never looking back. I discovered for myself the truth of Pope Benedict’s compelling words to the Bishops of The Church:

    What earlier generations held as Sacred, remains Sacred, and great for us, too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in The Church’s Faith and Prayer, and to give them their proper place. (Letter to The Bishops, on 7 July 2007).

    I wish you well, my friend.

    Go and discover The Sacred.

    In Domino.

  6. Thanks for taking such time and effort to pass on your thoughts, Zeppo! The testimony from Silverstream is indeed compelling, albeit it is a personal view. In searching out EF Masses I will tread a little more carefully this time, with an assumption of trust in the Church’s liturgical provisions - the Ratzinger/Sarah/ad orientem viewpoint at least – and let’s see what the next few years will bring. I feel that the so-called ‘liturgy wars’ are now beginning to be absorbed into a larger debate about orthodoxy which this pontificate has kicked off. Regards.
