Tuesday 7 November 2017

Pope Saint Pius V (1504-1572).


Text is taken from The All Saints Roman Catholic Calendar 2017 A.D., available from

Pope Saint Pius V is chiefly noted for his role in implementing The Decrees of The Council of Trent, The Counter-Reformation, and The Standardisation of The Roman Rite.

As a Cardinal, he gained a reputation for putting Orthodoxy before Personalities by prosecuting eight French Bishops for Heresy.

By his Papal Bull of 1570, Regnans in Excelsis, he Excommunicated Protestant Queen Elizabeth I of England for Heresy and Persecution of English Catholics during her Reign. He also arranged the formation of The Holy League, an alliance of Catholic States.

Although outnumbered, The Holy League defeated The Ottoman Empire, which had threatened t over-run Europe, at The Battle of Lepanto. Pope Saint Pius V attributed the victory to the Intercession of The Blessed Virgin Mary and instituted The Feast of Our Lady of Victory for 7 October [Editor: Subsequently, this Feast became The Feast of The Most Holy Rosary of The Blessed Virgin Mary].

As The Battle ended, Pope Saint Pius V, in Rome, rose and went over to a window, where he stood gazing towards The East. Then, turning around, he exclaimed: " The Christian Fleet is victorious ! "

Prayer to Pope Saint Pius V.

Pontiff of The Living God ! Thou wast, whilst on Earth, the pillar of iron and wall of brass, spoken of by The Prophet Jeremiah. Thine unflinching firmness preserved the flock entrusted to thee from the violence and snares of its many enemies.

Far from desponding at the sight of dangers, thy courage re-doubled, just as men raise the embankments higher, when they see the torrent swell. By thee was the spread of Heresy checked; by thee was The Muslim invasion repelled, and the haughty Crescent humbled.

God honoured thee,  by choosing thee as the avenger of His Glory, and the deliverer of The Christian People: Receive our thanks, and the homage of our humble praise ! By thee were repaired the injuries done to The Church during a period of unusual trial.

The true reform, the reform that is wrought by authority, was vigourously applied by they strong and holy hand. To thee is due the Codification of The Divine Service, by the publication of The Books of Holy Liturgy.

And, lastly, O Saint Pius, remember that thou wast once the Father of The Faithful; Continue to be so, by thy powerful intercession, till the number of The Elect be filled up !


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