Wednesday 27 December 2017

A Missa Cantata, In Memory Of The Unborn, In The Extraordinary Form, At The Cathedral Of The Sacred Heart. San Angelo. Texas.

Text and Illustration: NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT

On The Feast Of The Holy Innocents,
Thursday, 28 December 2017.
6.00 p.m.
The Cathedral of The Sacred Heart, San Angelo, Texas.

The Cathedral of The Sacred Heart, in San Angelo, Texas, will have a Missa Cantata in The Extraordinary Form, for The Feast of The Holy Innocents, on Thursday, 28 December 2017, with Palestrina’s Mass Aeterna Christi Munera; His Excellency Michael Sis, the Bishop of San Angelo, will be in attendance and Preach. The Mass begins at 6 p.m; the Cathedral is located at 19 South Oakes Street, San Angelo, Texas.

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