Thursday 7 December 2017

Mayor Of Beziers, France, Thumbs Nose At Secular Ban On Religious Displays. Installs Christmas Crib At City Hall.

It seems that the Mayor of the City of Beziers, France, was forbidden to install a Christmas Crib in his Town.

His answer . . .

"The Inauguration of Beziers' Christmas Crib
is 4 December 2017, at 18:30 hrs."



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks, John, for your welcome Comment. I agree, Political Hatred is tolerated when it's Anti-Christian. If it were Anti-any other faith, it would be crushed instantly by the Politically-Correct Brigade. Funny that.

    Pleased to hear that Australia embraces Christmas wholeheartedly at all levels. If anyone tries telling The Aussies what they CAN DO and what they CAN'T DO, they will be told, in very quick order: Where to go; How to do it; And assistance is available if you can't do it on your own !!!

  3. Welcome news indeed.

    The secular movement, often under the cover of PC, is little short of Religious hatred.

    Heartening to see that Australia embrace Christmas wholeheartedly at all levels - Nativity scenes everywhere
