Wednesday 3 January 2018

Musée De La Visitation, Moulins, France.


of 13 September 2012.

Our Post from yesterday, about the Liturgical treasury of the French Cathedral of Le Puy-en-Velay, resulted in the following being brought to our attention, which shows The Visitation Museum in Moulins, France, where "nearly ten thousand Chalices, Chasubles, and silk Liturgical items have been produced and preserved by The Sisters of The Visitation of Holy Mary."

Sacred Silk and other displays of
The Visitation Museum, France.
Available on YouTube at

Magnificent embroidery skills on display at

The  following Text from MUSÉE-VISITATION

The Museum of The Visitation is a private organisation run by the Association "Regard sur la Visitation", whose goals are: Safeguarding and promoting the artistic and Religious heritage of the Monasteries of The Order of The Visitation; create and maintain a Museum, in Moulins, France, dedicated to The Order of The Visitation and its heritage.

To achieve its objectives, the Museum relies on a Scientific Committee consisting of historians, researchers and professionals in the Museum World. Eighty-seven Monasteries of The Sainte Marie Visitation Order, settled in nineteen Countries of Europe, Middle East, North and South America, decided to save their artistic patrimony by deposing some masterpieces into The Museum of Moulins, France. Moulins is the City where Sainte Jeanne de Chantal Fremyot, the Co-Foundress of The Order, died.

Superb needlework on display at

Year after year, the number of pieces has increased considerably and now it exceeds 8,000. Encompassing a period that extends from the 15th- to the 21st-Century, these pieces relate the history and the patrimony of a Monastic Order which was present in France (160 Foundations) and which extends all over the World.

"All Heart" — Burning Love of The Sacred Heart. -- "Behold this Heart that has so greatly loved people." 
These words of Jesus Christ to the humble Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque, Centuries ago, are echoed in the beautiful Vestments, Liturgical objects, and other artifacts at a special exhibit displayed  in 2013 at The Musée de la Visitation, Moulins, France.
The Museum hosted "A tout coeur," (All Heart), an exhibition of works of art and love centered around The Devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Order the book (in French) on The Museum's Sacred Heart exhibit at
Available on YouTube at

The Collection is as various as the furniture and objects necessary for life in a Community. Some pieces have prestigious origins; Relics of famous Saints, donations of illustrious or Royal people. Others are the fruits of the patient work of The Visitandines, women having left society for a life of Prayer, following The Rules defined by their Co-Founder, Saint Francis de Sales.

You can hear the interview of Gérard Picaud, administrator of the Museum, by Elodie Courtejoie from Canal Académie.

Chasubles on display.

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