Monday 1 January 2018

"Nowell". "Wyle New Year Watz So Yep That Hit Watz Newe Cummen . . ."

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, A CLERK OF OXFORD

"The Adoration of the Shepherds".
Artist: Gerard van Honthorst (1590–1656).
Date: 25 December 1622.
Current location: Wallraf-Richartz-MuseumCologne, Germany.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202.
Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Nowell !!!
This is the salutation of The Angel Gabriel to The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Available on YouTube at

For this New Year, three Mediaeval Texts which play on three words appropriate for the Season: Nowell; New; Yule.

"Christe Redemptor Omnium" in an Anglo-Saxon Hymnal.

First, William Herebert's 14th-Century version of the Christmas Hymn, "Christe Redemptor Omnium" (for the Latin Text, see this page).

Cryst, buggere of alle ycoren, the Fadres olpy Sone,
On toforen ey gynnyng boren over alle speche and wone.
Thou lyht, thou Fadres bryhtnesse, thou trust and hope of alle,
Lust what thy folk thorouout the world to thee byddeth and kalle.

Wrouhte of oure hele, nou have in thyne munde
That of o mayde wemles thou toke oure kunde.
Thys day berth wytnesse, that neweth uche yer,
That on alyhtest from the Fader, of sunne make ous sker.

Hym hevene and erthe and wylde se and al that ys theron,
Wrouhte, of thy comynge, hereth wyth blisfol ron.
And we, nomliche, that beth bouht wyth thyn holy blod
For thys day singeth a neowe song and maketh blisfol mod.

Weole, Louerd, beo wyth thee, yboren of o may,
Wyth Fader and the Holy Gost withouten endeday.


"Christe Redemptor Omnium", with Old English gloss.

Christ, buyer of all chosen, The Father's only Son,
One before the beginning born, above all speech and wone.
Thou light, Thou Father's brightness, Thou trust and hope of all,
Hear what Thy folk throughout the World to Thee Pray and call.

Author of our salvation, have now in Thy mind
That of a maid sinless Thou took our kind. [nature]
This day bears witness, which renews every year,
That one alights from The Father, from sin to make us sker. [clean, pure, bright]

Him Heaven and Earth and wild sea and all that is therein,
Author of Thy coming, praise with joyful song.
And we, especially, who are bought with Thy Holy Blood
For this day sing a new song and make joyful mod. ["celebrate with glad hearts"]

Glory, Lord, be with Thee, born of a may,
With Father and The Holy Ghost, without an ending day.


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