Monday 5 February 2018

Kyrie Eleison (Orbis Factor). Mediaeval Chant From The Gradual Of Eleanor Of Brittany.

English: Kyrie Eleison (Orbis Factor).
Mediaeval Chant from The Gradual of Eleanor of Brittany (13th - 14th Century).
Director: Marcel Peres Album: "Le chant de la Memoire"
Sung by: Ensemble Organum.
Director: Marcel Peres.
Album: "Le Chant de la Memoire".
Français: Graduel d' Alienor de Bretagne (Orbis Factor).
Available on YouTube at

English: Detail from The Gradual of Eleanor of Brittany, showing The Nativity.
Français: Graduel d'Aliénor - Nativité.
Date: 15 November 2014.
Bibliothèque multimédia de Limoges.
Author: Anonymous.

English: Detail from The Gradual of Eleanor of Brittany, showing The Resurrection.
Français: Graduel d'Aliénor - Résurrection.
Date: 15 November 2014.
Bibliothèque multimédia de Limoges.
Author: Anonymous.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Eleanor of Brittany (1275 – 16 May 1342) was the sixteenth Abbess of Fontevrault Abbey, France.

She was born in England to John II, Duke of Brittany and Beatrice of England, and, in 1281, at the age of seven, entered Amesbury Abbey, a Priory of The Fontevrault Order (her first cousin, twice removed, Eleanor, Fair Maid of Brittany is buried there).

In 1290, she moved to Fontevrault Abbey in the Loire region of France, the Parent Abbey of The Order, where she took her Vows and became a Nun. A richly illuminated Gradual was presented to her upon her Induction. In 1304, she became Abbess. Upon her death in 1342 she bequeathed the Gradual to the Abbey. It survives to this day and is held by the Public Library of Limoges.

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