Saturday 28 April 2018

Saint Paul Of The Cross. Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 28 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Paul of The Cross.
   Feast Day 28 April.


White Vestments.

Portrait of Saint Paul of The Cross.
Date: May 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Plet Philippe.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Paul of The Cross was born at Ovada, in the State of Genoa, in 1694. As his name indicates, he had during all his life a burning love for Jesus Crucified. "Nailed to The Cross with Christ" (Gospel), he devoted himself to Preaching everywhere with singular Charity, The Mystery of The Cross (Collect, Epistle).

To carry out this great work in The Church (Gospel), he instituted The Passionists, who make a Vow to propagate The Blessed Memory of The Saviour's Passion.

Consumed by the love which he drew from The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass, "which is The Perpetual Memorial [Editor: It IS NOT a "Shared Meal".] of the boundless Charity of Christ" (Postcommunion), he offered himself to God with Jesus "as an oblation of agreeable odour" (Offertory) and died in 1775.

Let us, like Saint Paul of The Cross, suffer with The Crucified Saviour, so that we may rejoice with Jesus Risen Again (Alleluia, Communion).

Mass: Christo confixus.

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