Sunday 6 May 2018

An Unexpected Visit By Zephyrinus To The Outer Hebrides, Scotland, For A Wedding. Perkins Gets The Week Off And Goes Fishing !!!

A sudden Invitation from an old family friend, to attend his daughter's wedding in The Hebrides, Scotland, means Zephyrinus takes The Night Train from London Euston to Stornaway, Scotland,
on The Caledonian Sleeper. Of course, Perkins gets the week off and goes fishing.
Illustration: PINTEREST


  1. "Down at the Station
    Early in the Morning
    See all the puffer Trains
    Standing in a Row

    Along comes the Guard
    Blows his little Whistle
    Phee, phee, WOO...WOO!
    Off Zephyrinus Goes"

  2. Thank you, John.
    As always, your most interesting Comments are always looked forward to.
    And always welcome.

    "Och, aye, the noo,
    From you, I knew,
    a witty old rhyme,
    Would come, IT'S TRUE !!!"

    "All aboard. Stornaway the next stop.
    Dinner is being served in The Pullman Car".

    1. There was a young chap named Zephyrinus,
      Who preferred a steam-train to the omnibus.
      Declining the car:
      Finding Stornoway to far
      He chose the night train: good grub and less fuss.

    2. John. I'm going to nominate you for the Poet Lorry Eight Award.
